New Telephone Numbers

From today, 999 Network Services has a new contact number. 0345 004 3579.

While the previous (0845 004 3579) number was considered local rate, it was not always included in some phone providers call packages. It was also usually charged for by mobile operators instead of being taken from any inclusive call bundles.

The new 0345 number is considered by all operators as being the same to call as a 01 or 02 number.

While this is a great improvement, we have gone a step further for our support contract customers. We have now setup a new 0800 freephone number as well.

Our old 0845 number will remain in service and any call charges to this number will remain the same.

For further information on call charges to different numbers, this useful leaflet from Ofcom is very helpful. It can be downloaded here.

If you have any questions on this change, please contact us here.

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