Customer Testimonials

Why take our word for how good we are? We let our customers do the talking......

S.T. - Business customer from Sudbury since 2009

Thanks Dave for all of your help with our office move. As usual, you met our requirements, and more, and as I said yesterday, it does not get better than that!

Over the last 9 years we have come to rely on your expertise and are grateful for your prompt and efficient levels of service!

L.W. - Residential customer from Sudbury since 2013

Now that computers are an integral part of life, it is essential to be able to access reliable, secure and professional back up and support.

As a computer illiterate individual, I was recommended to contact 999 Network Services for help in setting up and maintaining my laptop. I am extremely impressed by their expert and friendly approach to the customer.

Quick, efficient and friendly service from the initial call to the solving of problems and discussing computer requirements and programme needs. More importantly, they provide me with peace of mind.

Overall an exceptional service, and I recommend 999 Network Services.

C.K. - Business customer from Sudbury since 2003

We have used 999 Networks for 10 years now and find them to be reliable, conscientious and efficient. They listen to what we want and make it happen. They keep us ticking!

If I had sum up 999, great service!

D.W. - Business customer from Yeldham since 2005

We have been using 999 Networks for many years now & they are always very polite, prompt & happy to help us.
No problem is ever too large or too small & they always give us honest helpful advice.
They are very professional in all aspects of their works & services.
We would always recommend them to anyone looking for this type of services/works.

So thank you & keep up the good work...

P.C. - Residential customer from Boxford since 2007

After having years of issues with glitches with PCs online and general email and internet problems calling out techs at regular intervals, at great cost, and often with limited success. In 2007 I visited a shop in Sudbury to purchase a new computer as my old Hewlett Packard with Windows ME had had enough,

I called my then tech to set up XP on it up for me, including moving across a lot of JPGs which he mostly lost, it ended up worse to use than my old one. Enough was enough!!!

It was then I came across 999 Network Services, I told them of my dilemma.
I arranged a visit from them. They made my new PC as smooth as silk, upon paying their fee I was made aware of their support contracts. It seemed good and on Wednesday 19th December 2007 signed up. I can honestly say it is one of the best deals I have made. To have someone at the end of a phone or email to help when needed. They are also able to sort many problems online remotely, without a visit, nothing is too much trouble to them.

As I am now in my 70’s you can imagine they need the patience of a saint. Needless to say I have stayed under their wing ever since and look forward to any visit and share a cup of tea and a biscuit with them as they are so friendly and polite.

G.I. - Business customer from Bures since 2004

We have worked with 999 Networks for nearly 10 years and have found them to be very professional in all aspects of their business.

A friendly, efficient and courteous service is offered at all times with the emphasis on understanding your company’s products to provide a seamless service throughout.

K.H. - Business customer from Sudbury since 2004

We have always found 999 Networks to be dependable and efficient, with regard to both computer and CCTV maintenance support and new installations.

B.A. & A.A - Business customers from Blackpool since 2003

I have used 999 Network Services for 10 years and have had the best service possible for my business. They provide a comprehensive service contract on all our IT equipment and provide secure 'Backup' facilities which any business shouldn ’t be without.

The IT support is second to none which is so reassuring to know that someone will be there and most importantly be able to help. If I need IT equipment or advice, they are my first point of contact, they really know their stuff.

The services provided are excellent and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend them for all IT/web services.


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